The Ghost of Ursula K. Le Guin

“Worlds of Ursula K. Le Guin” by Arwen Curry Viewing on Friday, February 1st, 2019 Northwest Film Forum, Seattle, WA Impressions: I cried. I may need to get my hands on a copy of the documentary to accurately tell you why. For me, Ursula K. Le Guin has been a ghostlike mentor since I first…

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Writing as Interaction

A little about me. Or more directly, the writing side of me. I see writing as an interaction, an interaction between words, an interaction between ideas, and an interaction between people. I remember when my best friend and I were in spelling bees and book writing competitions in every grade in school. She’d always land…

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“Listening is not a reaction, it is a connection. Listening to a conversation or a story, we don’t so much respond as join in — become part of the action.”  – Ursula K. Le Guin   Last week I dropped by my local Goodwill in hopes of finding some supplies for crafting letters to send…

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Life Strategy: A How-To Guide

Life Strategy, a how to guide: First, assess your tools and materials. What do you have to work with? This includes things like: energy, strength, education, community, etc. Second, figure out how to apply those tools to any given situation. I have X amount of energy for large crowds, and I really really wanna go…

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Writing Group Road Trip

Dear World, Good to see you here! I am writing to you from Portland today. After many miles of driving, we landed here just in time for Wryly’s reading of their first published book: My Ugly & Other Love Snarls. As far as I am aware, Casey is an expert driver. When we got downtown,…

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